The internet may be a helpful resource for finding the finest whistleblower attorney for you. However, be aware that a lot of websites exaggerate how effective legal firms are at representing whistleblowers. Websites that have been created by lawyers, however, are referral companies. Also, target whistleblowers.
Finding a Whistleblower Lawyer
How do you select the best whistleblower lawyer? This is the primary concern you have to consider if you’ve discovered misconduct and have decided to report it. Whistleblowers are courageous individuals who risk their careers and lives on the line to expose fraud, corruption, and greed. These cases can be difficult and are time-consuming.
When you select whistleblower lawyer Atlanta, keep this in mind regardless of whether it’s a qui tam case or a whistleblower suit with the SEC, CFTC, or IRS.
Succeed with Whistleblower Case
It is essential to ensure the lawyer’s experience and proficiency in handling the kind of whistleblower claim you have, such as SEC whistleblower cases or “qui tam lawsuits.” Although they claim they have won major cases, certain legal firms don’t disclose if the cases were whistleblower cases. Ask for concrete examples of the firm’s successes. Find out more about SEC enforcement attorney here.
The Lawyer’s Area Expertise
Certain lawyers and legal firms have websites that make it appear as if they represent whistleblowers. However, their expertise is elsewhere. Additionally, whistleblower laws like the False Claims Act and Dodd-Frank are intricate, and misreading their provisions could cause problems for your case.
Lists of Whistleblower Case
Is it true that whistleblower cases posted on a law firm’s site were actually filed and prosecuted? For example, some companies offer samples of whistleblower cases as if they were their own, when in fact, they are not.
Is it a Law Firm, or is it a Referral Service?
Websites developed by referral firms appear to be legal firms. They collect cases and then offer them to law firms that will pay a fee. First, you must make sure that the person you choose is currently working on the qui-tam suit. Next, check the names of the attorneys or the legal firm’s names on the website. If there are no individual attorneys listed, it’s likely a referral service rather than a legal service. It doesn’t even have a physical address, which is another warning sign. It’s most likely a referral service if the website lacks an address or a mailbox number.
Lawyers from across the country can represent whistleblowers. A lawyer should be willing to pay for your travel costs to visit you if they’re interested in your case. For more information about internal investigation attorney Atlanta check this.
Experience Working with the U.S. DOJ, SEC, CFTC, and IRS
If the government is involved in the court, the chances of winning action for whistleblowers in qui tam increase dramatically. The participation of the government in whistleblower lawsuits submitted to the CFTC, IRS, and SEC must remain entirely within the jurisdiction of the relevant agency. Learn more about the legal company’s prior efforts to get the government to investigate and join other whistleblower cases as well as the outcomes.
Any client who chooses Finch McCranie LLP receives the benefits of their entire whistleblower team’s collective years of experience and wisdom as well as years of service as DOJ’s senior management. In turn, the SEC has a proven track record of successfully representing whistleblowers and other clients in complicated matters and establishing relationships with government officials and judges.
Whistleblower lawsuits can be costly and lengthy. Legal firms should have extra attorneys on hand to assist if several lawyers are needed simultaneously. Legal firms should also cover out-of-pocket expenses such as the cost of hiring experts to defend whistleblowers’ accusations, and in some cases, legal costs.